A Better Self,
for a Better World.

Joachim Buff
Personal Coach | Business Coach | Systemic Coach

A Better Self,
for a Better World.

Joachim Buff
Personal Coach | Business Coach | Systemic Coach

A Better Self,
for a Better World.

Joachim Buff
Personal Coach | Business Coach | Systemic Coach

Ignite Your Inner Fire!

Embrace Yourself and Your Potential

Instead of a blazing fire, there’s only a small fading flame inside you. Even the slightest breeze feels like looming danger, instead of stoking your inner fire. Between professional obligations and private responsibilities, you lost your stability. You have neglected or already forgotten your true path. Or is your inner fire still burning, you walk your path, but you feel no warmth or fulfillment in life? Ask yourself, what is your purpose? Do you have a satisfactory answer to that?

It happens quickly and often undetected, we become prisoners of our thoughts and assumptions, of everyday life, and all our routines. Yes, they keep us working but trapped in a comfort zone of customs and deadlines. The result: stagnation. Your passions fade, your ambitions are forgotten. Finally, at some point, the former urge to succeed will turn into a heavy desire for change.

I know and felt it all – the strength is used by the pressure of being successful and the demands on your time as dictated by your calendar, unconsciously limit your potential. All of that will make us fall short of our possibilities, our potential. Together, we will create awareness for both you and your situation. Together, for you, we initiate change to find your purpose, for a better world and your place in it.

I recommend Joachim as a coach to anyone who wants to solve their issues with ease and a lot of fun.  Thanks to his empathetic way and familiar manner, every session felt like talking to an old friend. Joachim creates such a pleasant and feel-good atmosphere, even if the topic was painful.  His compassionate, non-judgmental manner made it possible for me to be completely open, so I could talk freely about anything and everything. There’s also a lot of laughing, and before you know it, he has helped you without hurting. I have always felt very comfortable, he helped me on many occasions and his coaching sessions made me feel more energetic and freed myself of my own inhibitions. You are in good hands with Joachim.

Jenny Wöhlk, Happiness Coach, Hamburg

Coaching sessions with Joachim are always an incisive experience, allowing me to see more clearly as an entrepreneur, much like taking a fresh breath, to set the right priorities.  I love the newfound lightness, flexibility, vitality and above all freedom as the heavy weight on my being has fallen off.

I wonder how I wasn’t able to feel how much I was being crushed by my burdens.  The great thing is, Joachim has an excellent nose as well as a clear-sightedness with regard to the real issues behind what’s happening. With his help, I was able to zero in on the actual issue I needed to deal with, instead of what I incorrectly though where the issues.

He quickly gets to the root of the issue. After each coaching session, the puzzle becomes clearer, and the feeling of liberation is addictive. As soon as an issue arises that brings even a hint of limitation, rejection or resentment, I turn to Joachim.  The great thing is that the changes quickly effect my behaviour and I feel this in all areas of my life.

Whether for business or personal growth, I wholeheartedly recommend working with Joachim!

Helena Lebsack, Entrepreneur , Fürth

Due to major professional challenges, I visited Joachim for coaching.  Very quickly he managed to build my trust with his open, emphatic and authentic manner.  He was quickly able to get to the core of my problems. He has very good knowledge of his chosen methods and thanks to him, I gained a new self-image. He was able to help me regain my strength and to use my various potentials. A different perspective helped me to overcome challenges, making me more balanced and successful than before.

Holger von Dorn, Member of the Board / Managing Director, Nuremberg

Ignite Your Inner Fire!

Embrace Yourself and Your Potential

Instead of a blazing fire, there’s only a small fading flame inside you. Even the slightest breeze feels like looming danger, instead of stoking your inner fire. Between professional obligations and private responsibilities, you lost your stability. You have neglected or already forgotten your true path. Or is your inner fire still burning, you walk your path, but you feel no warmth or fulfillment in life? Ask yourself, what is your purpose? Do you have a satisfactory answer to that?

It happens quickly and often undetected, we become prisoners of our thoughts and assumptions, of everyday life, and all our routines. Yes, they keep us working but trapped in a comfort zone of customs and deadlines. The result: stagnation. Your passions fade, your ambitions are forgotten. Finally, at some point, the former urge to succeed will turn into a heavy desire for change.

I know and felt it all – the strength is used by the pressure of being successful and the demands on your time as dictated by your calendar, unconsciously limit your potential. All of that will make us fall short of our possibilities, our potential. Together, we will create awareness for both you and your situation. Together, for you, we initiate change to find your purpose, for a better world and your place in it.

Due to major professional challenges, I visited Joachim for coaching.  Very quickly he managed to build my trust with his open, emphatic and authentic manner.  He was quickly able to get to the core of my problems. He has very good knowledge of his chosen methods and thanks to him, I gained a new self-image. He was able to help me regain my strength and to use my various potentials. A different perspective helped me to overcome challenges, making me more balanced and successful than before.

Holger von Dorn, Member of the Board / Managing Director, Nuremberg

I recommend Joachim as a coach to anyone who wants to solve their issues with ease and a lot of fun.  Thanks to his empathetic way and familiar manner, every session felt like talking to an old friend. Joachim creates such a pleasant and feel-good atmosphere, even if the topic was painful.  His compassionate, non-judgmental manner made it possible for me to be completely open, so I could talk freely about anything and everything. There’s also a lot of laughing, and before you know it, he has helped you without hurting. I have always felt very comfortable, he helped me on many occasions and his coaching sessions made me feel more energetic and freed myself of my own inhibitions. You are in good hands with Joachim.

Jenny Wöhlk, Happiness Coach, Hamburg

Coaching sessions with Joachim are always an incisive experience, allowing me to see more clearly as an entrepreneur, much like taking a fresh breath, to set the right priorities.  I love the newfound lightness, flexibility, vitality and above all freedom as the heavy weight on my being has fallen off.

I wonder how I wasn’t able to feel how much I was being crushed by my burdens.  The great thing is, Joachim has an excellent nose as well as a clear-sightedness with regard to the real issues behind what’s happening. With his help, I was able to zero in on the actual issue I needed to deal with, instead of what I incorrectly though where the issues.

He quickly gets to the root of the issue. After each coaching session, the puzzle becomes clearer, and the feeling of liberation is addictive. As soon as an issue arises that brings even a hint of limitation, rejection or resentment, I turn to Joachim.  The great thing is that the changes quickly effect my behaviour and I feel this in all areas of my life.

Whether for business or personal growth, I wholeheartedly recommend working with Joachim!

Helena Lebsack, Entrepreneur , Fürth

“Every single person has the chance to improve at least one part of this world. Themselves.”

“Every single person has the chance to improve at least one part of this world. Themselves.”

(Paul de Lagarde)

Balance your Mindset

Focal Points of the MAKE A BETTER WORLD Mindset


Bring Light into The Darkness

Awareness creates knowledge. Knowledge creates change. See yourself and your environment as clearly as you can to gain more control over your life. I provide you with tools to bring light into the darkness, allowing you to draw from your full potential. To gain motivation and discover what really is important in the depths of your subconscious mind. From this inner sphere, you gain strength and energy. You take personal responsibility and incite positive change. With every light you ignite in your dark subconscious, you expand its boundaries. You may even ignite this blazing fire, you were missing – one that everyone can see. One that radiates light, warmth, inspiration, and joy to everyone around you.

Your Source of Power

Find Your Inner Strength

Sports, yoga, a day off here and a trip to nature there – these may help you to forget the hectic everyday life and the many responsibilities for a moment. But they cannot ensure sustainable regeneration. What you need is a source of strength that does not drip tiny drops sporadically, but never ceases to flow – like a foaming river, washing away all obstacles. A source that does not run dry but has an infinite pool of energy – yours for the taking. You can gain control of this source and get with the “flow”, that energizes your life. Let’s release your inner blockages that stop the source of power from flowing. So, that you are prepared to face all challenges with ease – whether in your professional, or your private life.


Take Your Life into Your Own Hands

Thanks to the awareness of your situation and the energy flowing from your inner source of power, you are ready to take full responsibility. For yourself, for your actions, for your life. Being “free as a bird” – who wouldn’t want to live life to the fullest by this well-known saying? Taking personal responsibility allows you to do just that. It lets you gain full control and take the helm of your life completely into your own hands. You gain self-empowerment and the opportunity to evolve. No external influences, no restrictive dependencies – only you, living truly free and wholesome.

Embracing Change

Evolve, Always Forward!

Without change, there is no progress. Without progress, there is no evolution. Only when you are ready to leave your comfort zone to dive into the new and unknown, will your life stay in motion. Change is the natural rhythm of life, as everything is in motion – always. Stagnation often results from insecurity and the fear of change. This is where the tension in your life, which you frequently feel, stems from. Learn to let go, learn to flow with your life and evolve. Feel the joy when your life gets going. Simply feel the pure joy of life that lies dormant within yourself. Don’t block change, embrace it!

Balance your Mindset

Focal Points of the MAKE A BETTER WORLD Mindset


Bring Light into The Darkness

Awareness creates knowledge. Knowledge creates change. See yourself and your environment as clearly as you can to gain more control over your life. I provide you with tools to bring light into the darkness, allowing you to draw from your full potential. To gain motivation and discover what really is important in the depths of your subconscious mind. From this inner sphere, you gain strength and energy. You take personal responsibility and incite positive change. With every light you ignite in your dark subconscious, you expand its boundaries. You may even ignite this blazing fire, you were missing – one that everyone can see. One that radiates light, warmth, inspiration, and joy to everyone around you.

Your Source of Power

Find Your Inner Strength

Sports, yoga, a day off here and a trip to nature there – these may help you to forget the hectic everyday life and the many responsibilities for a moment. But they cannot ensure sustainable regeneration. What you need is a source of strength that does not drip tiny drops sporadically, but never ceases to flow – like a foaming river, washing away all obstacles. A source that does not run dry but has an infinite pool of energy – yours for the taking. You can gain control of this source and get with the “flow”, that energizes your life. Let’s release your inner blockages that stop the source of power from flowing. So, that you are prepared to face all challenges with ease – whether in your professional, or your private life.


Take Your Life into Your Own Hands

Thanks to the awareness of your situation and the energy flowing from your inner source of power, you are ready to take full responsibility. For yourself, for your actions, for your life. Being “free as a bird” – who wouldn’t want to live life to the fullest by this well-known saying? Taking personal responsibility allows you to do just that. It lets you gain full control and take the helm of your life completely into your own hands. You gain self-empowerment and the opportunity to evolve. No external influences, no restrictive dependencies – only you, living truly free and wholesome.

Embracing Change

Evolve, Always Forward!

Without change, there is no progress. Without progress, there is no evolution. Only when you are ready to leave your comfort zone to dive into the new and unknown, will your life stay in motion. Change is the natural rhythm of life, as everything is in motion – always. Stagnation often results from insecurity and the fear of change. This is where the tension in your life, which you frequently feel, stems from. Learn to let go, learn to flow with your life and evolve. Feel the joy when your life gets going. Simply feel the pure joy of life that lies dormant within yourself. Don’t block change, embrace it!

My Services

Personal Coaching

With my expertise, I will support you on your personal path and accompany you through the entire process to find your true self. To live a fulfilled and happy life, I will assist you in many areas of life including the following:

Business Coaching

Are you looking for support, new approaches to find solutions, or simply a new direction for your company. I will assist you with my perspective and expertise to overcome deficits or imminent changes facing your company. Find out more about my professional experience on XING and LinkedIn.
  • Create awareness for your situation.
  • Recognize and sustainably solve fears and blockages.
  • Recognize limiting patterns to establish new ones.
  • Master burn-out situations and regain strength.
  • Establish values and align goals accordingly.
  • Achieve goals, find purpose and live a fulfilled life.
  • Identify problems, their roots, and solve them.
  • Broaden your perspective and gain insights.
  • Develop fresh ideas and creative approaches.
  • Set up new structures and unlock hidden potential.
  • Set up teams correctly and gain leadership expertise.
  • Create clarity of the overall situation and next steps.

Find your Mission

Are you looking for your mission in life, your purpose and want to live a happier and more fulfilling life?
Do you want to finally get started without losing your drive or succumbing to helplessness?
People who live their mission:
  • experience deep fulfillment and satisfaction in life.
  • are motivated by passion and energy.
  • are determined to achieve their goals.
  • are emotionally balanced, which has a positive effect on their environment and their health.
  • experience continuous growth in personality and skills.
  • harmonize strengths, talents and passions and achieve great things with ease.

My Services

Personal Coaching

With my expertise, I will support you on your personal path and accompany you through the entire process to find your true self. To live a fulfilled and happy life, I will assist you in many areas of life including the following:
  • Create awareness for your situation.
  • Recognize and sustainably solve fears and blockages.
  • Recognize limiting patterns to establish new ones.
  • Master burn-out situations and regain strength.
  • Establish values and align goals accordingly.
  • Achieve goals, find purpose and live a fulfilled life.

Business Coaching

Are you looking for support, new approaches to find solutions, or simply a new direction for your company. I will assist you with my perspective and expertise to overcome deficits or imminent changes facing your company. Find out more about my professional experience on XING and LinkedIn.
  • Identify problems, their roots, and solve them.
  • Broaden your perspective and gain insights.
  • Develop fresh ideas and creative approaches.
  • Set up new structures and unlock hidden potential.
  • Set up teams correctly and gain leadership expertise.
  • Create clarity of the overall situation and next steps.

Find your Mission

Are you looking for your mission in life, your purpose and want to live a happier and more fulfilling life?
Do you want to finally get started without losing your drive or succumbing to helplessness?
People who live their mission:
  • experience deep fulfillment and satisfaction in life.
  • are motivated by passion and energy.
  • are determined to achieve their goals.
  • are emotionally balanced, which has a positive effect on their environment and their health.
  • experience continuous growth in personality and skills.
  • harmonize strengths, talents and passions and achieve great things with ease.

Let us talk!

About you, your situation and what you expect from your life, your career, and your company. Let’s set up a casual conversation to get to know each other! Don’t worry, there is no obligation. If you’re ready, we start your individual journey – to bring you to where you wanted to be for a long time.


Inspired by Difference

Who am I? Why, of all people, do I want to help you find your destiny and go your way? Sure, we don’t know each other yet, but I can promise you: It’s my chosen path that defines me as a coach.

Between starting my career as a development engineer and my extensive work as a successful business manager, I was always accompanied by a strong desire for something I just couldn’t grasp. It was a feeling of life that I once knew, but lost somewhere on the way.

So, I went looking for it. At first, I was simply searching outside: Literally, on many adventurous journeys. But also in professional success, in borderline but existential experiences in sports, as well as in many other, exciting undertakings. However, health problems led me to finally look inward, to deal with my emotional side and to break my rigid limits. A deep look behind the facade of my life revealed deep fulfillment and peace with my life’s journey. That was when the joy of life, I was so desperately looking for, finally returned to me.

Especially important and valuable for my job as a personal & business coach:
My ability to immerse myself in the perspective of others. This ability was shaped by my close, personal and longstanding intercultural relationships around the world. And my professional development is equally vital, as my educational path ultimately led to the responsibility of managing international businesses while negotiation multi-million dollar deals around the globe.

All this has allowed me to experience and, most importantly, feel desires, needs, and problems from various perspectives. Not only as a trainee, or ambitious employee, but also as a success-seeking leader and manager as well.

With all those responsibilities weighing on my shoulders, I sought and found balance in yoga, meditation, and surfing – which are just some of the many activities I enjoy to always find my center, clear my head and recover.

Which traits define me as a person, you may ask. I describe myself as self-confident. As courageous, and adventurous, future-oriented and optimistic, enthusiastic and powerful. But not only that, I’m also open, warm, and helpful.

Want to know more about me and my professional career? Take a look at my business profiles on
LinkedIn and XING!

My Qualifications:

  • MBC® Master of Business Coaching – European Business Ecademy

  • NLP Master Coach

  • Systemic Coach & Consultant

  • Master Typo 3® Profiler

  • Transactional Analyst (TA)
  • Personal & Business Coach (IHK)

  • EMDR+ Coach

  • Emotion Sync Coach


Inspired by Difference

Who am I? Why, of all people, do I want to help you find your destiny and go your way? Sure, we don’t know each other yet, but I can promise you: It’s my chosen path that defines me as a coach.

Between starting my career as a development engineer and my extensive work as a successful business manager, I was always accompanied by a strong desire for something I just couldn’t grasp. It was a feeling of life that I once knew, but lost somewhere on the way.

So, I went looking for it. At first, I was simply searching outside: Literally, on many adventurous journeys. But also in professional success, in borderline but existential experiences in sports, as well as in many other, exciting undertakings.
However, health problems led me to finally look inward, to deal with my emotional side and to break my rigid limits. A deep look behind the facade of my life revealed deep fulfillment and peace with my life’s journey. That was when the joy of life, I was so desperately looking for, finally returned to me.

Especially important and valuable for my job as a personal & business coach:
My ability to immerse myself in the perspective of others. This ability was shaped by my close, personal and longstanding intercultural relationships around the world. And my professional development is equally vital, as my educational path ultimately led to the responsibility of managing international businesses while negotiation multi-million dollar deals around the globe.

All this has allowed me to experience and, most importantly, feel desires, needs, and problems from various perspectives. Not only as a trainee, or ambitious employee, but also as a success-seeking leader and manager as well.

With all those responsibilities weighing on my shoulders, I sought and found balance in yoga, meditation, and surfing – which are just some of the many activities I enjoy to always find my center, clear my head and recover.

Which traits define me as a person, you may ask. I describe myself as self-confident. As courageous, and adventurous, future-oriented and optimistic, enthusiastic and powerful. But not only that, I’m also open, warm, and helpful.

Want to know more about me and my professional career? Take a look at my business profiles on
LinkedIn and XING!

My Qualifications:

  • MBC® Master of Business Coaching – European Business Ecademy

  • NLP Master Coach

  • Systemic Coach & Consultant

  • Master Typo 3® Profiler

  • Transactional Analyst (TA)
  • Personal & Business Coach (IHK)

  • EMDR+ Coach

  • Emotion Sync Coach



Do you want to know more? No problem! Just get in touch with me – either go old-school and pick up the phone to ring me, quickly and easily via the messenger service Signal or draw up a good old email. Let’s talk to each other! I look forward to getting to know you.
Make a Better World
Joachim Buff

Unschlittplatz 10
90403 Nürnberg

+49 (0) 151 10786252